What is ZulWeb?
ZulWeb is the World of Tech and Blogging and has been covering Tech, IoT, Social Media, Blogging, Web, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Travel, Health and Fitness on the internet for more than 2 years. It began as something of a hobby and has grown considerably since.

Is ZulWeb hiring?
Thank you for your interest. If we are recruiting for any positions, we will make the information available on our website.

Editorial Process

Do you accept guest posts?
No. Although the notion of inviting guest writers and experts to research for ZulWeb on special topics outside our regular writers’ beats is intriguing, we have to be extremely careful to protect the trust we have built with our readers. Properly verifying the credibility of myriad guest writers and their sources requires time and resources we just don’t have.

Do you publish sponsored/paid content?
Yes. If you want to publish sponsored content/article on ZulWeb then contact us for further inquiries.

Technical concerns

I want to put a link to your site on my own site. Is that okay?
Of course! That is, unless your site is throwing shade our way. Then you must link to us at least 17 times per page.

May I reproduce your material on my website?
No. Using our material without our permission is copyright infringement, even if your site is noncommercial, and even if you give us credit.

Our writers and editors work hard to keep our information accurate and current, and when other people reprint our material we no longer have any ability to update it when new information becomes available. Reprinting our material without permission also deprives us of the advertising revenues we need to continue operating this site as a free resource.

You are welcome to link to any of our articles from your site, but you may not reproduce the content of our pages on your own site, nor may you distribute the text of our articles via email forwards or mailing lists, or by posting them to message boards or blogs. (All of these actions constitute copyright infringement.)

Advertising & Finances

Is ZulWeb funded by any donors?
No. ZulWeb is completely independent and self-supporting.

Why do you have advertising on your site?
Without ads, we couldn’t afford to operate this site as a free resource for everyone. That said, we are committed to providing the best reader experience we can.

If you encounter issues with any advertising on our site, please contact us immediately at info@zulweb.com. Please include as many details as possible (e.g., name of the advertiser, description of the ad, or a screen capture of the ad). Please note that without these details (especially screenshots) it is often difficult for us to identify a particular problem as many ads are geo-targeted to specific countries or regions of the U.S.; and if the geotargeting excludes the area where we live, we can’t see the ads for ourselves.

Still have unanswered questions? Contact us.

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