IoTHow To

How to Get SMS Notification when There’s a Suspicious Activities in Google Account?

Various Google services have become popular. Started from Gmail, Google Drive, Youtube, Google+, etc. Gmail for example. This service is the most popular email service recently. Many people made Gmail as their main email, whether for business, communication, or other needs. That’s why you need to pay attention about your Gmail account security.

Google has added one new feature so that your Google account would be secure more. This time you can get SMS notification when there’s a suspicious activity in your Google account. So, if there’s somebody want to change your password or suspicious login attempt to your Google account, then you’ll get SMS notification.

In order to use this new feature, you should activate SMS Notification feature in Google. You just have to follow this link:

1. Login to your Google account and visit this security setting page:

2. In Notification Types, tick on Phone column.

3. You’ll be asked a phone verification first.

4. After phone verification is done, SMS notification feature would be activate.Now, everytime there’s a suspicious login attempt or someone try to change your Google account password, a notification sms will be sent directly. Then you can do various preventive act like changing password, etc faster.

This feature would be very useful, especially for you who uses Gmail or other Google service as your main business service. I wish it would be useful.

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