SEOContent Marketing

15 World’s Best Free SEO Tools You Should Be Using

Search engine optimization (SEO) is more important than ever before today. New trends (e.g. rising voice search, AI revolution) mean you need to upgrade your SEO game if you want to stay afloat today.

If you’re looking to get started with SEO or want to achieve better results with minimal financial investment, here are the 15 best free SEO tools to use.

15 Best Free SEO Tools

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an invaluable resource that is virtually indispensable to any digital marketer serious about SEO.

It provides lot of handy website data such as number of site visits, sources of traffic, and demographic location. Digital marketers can tweak their content strategy with Google Analytics’ detailed information and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Google analytics is one of the best free SEO tools that every digital marketer should be using. Google also provides a number of other free seo tools such as PageSpeed Insights, Keyword Planner, Search Console, and Sheets.

2. Answer the Public

Answer the Public is a nifty tool that provides content marketers with valuable data about the questions people ask online.

It gets popular queries based on that keyword once you enter a keyword and generates a cool graphic with the questions and phrases that people use when searching for that keyword.

This data provides content creators with insight into potential customers ‘ concerns and desires and allows them to develop highly targeted content that addresses those needs.

Answer The Public also provides suggestions for keywords using prepositions such as “versus,” “like,” and “with.” It is an excellent research tool that can help you create better content for people to enjoy and share.

3. MozBar

MozBar is a free SEO toolbar that works with the Chrome browser. It provides easy access to advanced metrics on webpages and SERPs.

You can easily access any page or site’s Page and Domain Authority scores with MozBar. The feature of Page Analysis allows you to explore elements on any page (e.g. markup, page title, general attributes, metrics of links).

On the page you are viewing, you can find keywords, highlight and differentiate links, and compare different site link metrics in SERPs.

MozBar is one of the best options to consider if you need to do detailed SEO research on the go.

With a MozPro subscription you can unlock even more advanced features like Page Optimization and Keyword Difficulty.

4. SEMrush

SEMrush is an excellent keyword research SEO tool that, among other things, makes it easy to find out what keywords any page on the web is ranking for.

It provides detailed information about these keywords, including their position in SERPs, the URLs to which they drive traffic over the past 12 months, and the traffic trends.

With this feature packed tool, you can easily find out which keywords your competitors rank around these terms and phrases for and craft great content.

With different paid plans, SEMrush also offers more features and unlimited access. Although they are not cheap, if you want to test the premium features, you can start with a 14-day free trial.

5. Keyworddit

Another fantastic tool for finding keyword ideas is Keyworddit, a free tool that sources keywords from subreddits on Reddit and provides context – a list of threads where a particular keyword was used.

You type in a specific subreddit (e.g., /r/askreddit), and it’ll extract a handful of keywords, as well as the monthly search volume for those terms in the U.S.

Keyworddit is very easy to use and provides valuable insight into the interests of specific audiences.

6. Woorank

Woorank is a handy website analyzer that provides useful insights that can help you improve your site’s SEO.

It generates a SEO score for your site and an actionable “Marketing Checklist” that outlines steps you can take to resolve any issues with the SEO of your site.

The social shareability panel is another cool feature of this free tool. This section provides social network data on popular social networks, such as the number of likes, shares, comments, backlinks, and bookmarks.

Woorank also has a great mobile section where you can find information about how mobile devices render your pages and how fast they are loading them.

7. Mobile Friendly Test

Google’s search algorithm places a lot of emphasis on how mobile-friendly a site is. To that end, Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool is designed to help you determine if your site is correctly optimized for smartphones and tablets.

Just enter the URL of your website and it will tell you clearly if your website is mobile-friendly. The Mobile-Friendly Test tool also provides suggestions on how to improve your site’s mobile-friendliness.

The Page Loading Info feature lets you know if all the resources on a particular page can be properly accessed by Google and what to do if not.

8. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a simple keyword research tool that scrapes data from Google’s Keyword Planner for keyword ideas based on a keyword you provide.

For each keyword, the tool also returns handy data including search volume, CPC, and competition level. An excellent feature of Ubersuggest is its ability to filter keywords from search results that you are not interested in.

You can now input URLs and get domain metrics with the newly updated version–Ubersuggest 3.0.


BROWSEO lets you see how your website looks to a search engine.

It basically strips any styling of your webpage and shows you the structure underlying it. This helps you figure out if there is any difficulty with Google’s bot accessing important content on your site.

The SERP preview is a neat feature of this free SEO tool. This shows a preview of how the search results show your site.

You can see if your titles and meta descriptions are optimized properly and make changes as necessary.

10. CanIRank

As the name implies, CanIRank helps you find out if you can rank on the first page of search engines for a particular keyword.

Unlike other free seo tools that merely provide data on how competitive keywords are, CanIRank allows you to know the likelihood of ranking for a search term and uses AI to provide suggestions on how to better target keywords.

CanIRank provides excellent data on competitive analysis and actionable steps to increase the ranking of your site with better SEO.

11. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a must-use keyword research tool due to the massive list of sites that it provides free search volume, CPC and competition data for:

  • Google Search
  • Google Trends
  • eBay
  • Answer The Public
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Bing
  • Etsy
  • Soovle
  • Google Search Console
  • YouTube
  • Ubersuggest
  • Majestic
  • Google Analytics
  • Amazon
  • Keyword Shitter
  • Moz Open Site Explorer

Did I mention it’s completely free? And, that’s available for Chrome and Firefox?

12. Check My Links

Check My Links is a nifty Chrome Extension that will crawl through your webpage and identify the status code for each link on the page – including broken links.

Each status code is coded with 200 dark green status codes, 300 light green status codes, and 400 red status codes.

You can then copy all bad links to your clipboard with one click once you have been identified.

13. Counting Characters Google SERP Tool

While counting characters has been a long-standing approach to evaluating meta description and title tag length, the reality is Google doesn’t count the meta title and description in number of characters. It uses pixels instead.

The Counting Characters tool will provide both the character count and the pixel count to ensure you are creating meta tags that are not cut off by an ellipsis – represented by (…).

14. Redirect Path

The Redirect Path Chrome extension will flag 301, 302, 404, and 500 HTTP Status Codes.

Additionally, redirects on the client side such as meta and redirects from JavaScript will also be flagged to ensure that any redirect issue can be detected immediately.

It is also possible to display HTTP headers such as server types and caching headers as well as the server IP address by clicking a button.

In addition, for easy sharing or addition to a technical audit document, all of these details can be copied to your clipboard.

15. Google Search Console

Last but certainly not least, this list wouldn’t be complete without a mention of Google Search Console.

Aside from the fact, the data comes from Google, Google Search Console is rich with insights related to:

  • Keyword and URL performance.
  • Indexation issues.
  • Mobile usability.
  • Sitemap status.
  • And much more!


It was never easier to get started with SEO than it is today. There are many free SEO tools available on a tight budget for SEO newbies and digital marketers, such as the ones above. These free seo tools offer many great features and can produce remarkable results when used properly. So find a tool that works for you and make the best of it.

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