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3 Tips for Protecting Your Voice

Your voice is something you use incredibly often. Here are three tips for protecting your voice.

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1. Take Voice Lessons

Voice lessons are typically something people take when they want to learn to sing or use their voices professionally, such as voice acting. Experienced voice over talent, for example, will understand how vital it is to learn what your voice can handle and how to utilize it without harming your throat or vocal cords. Lessons with a singing instructor or a speech pathologist can teach you how to warm up, perform straining sounds like screaming safely and to listen to your own voice and detect issues early.

2. Don’t Strain Yourself

When you’re sick, for example with laryngitis, don’t strain your voice. Instead of trying to speak for a long time or loudly, rest your voice as much as possible. Even when you’re healthy it’s important to know your limits and rest when you need to. Keep shouting to a minimum and if you’re shouting or singing loudly as part of your job, take frequent breaks and rest your voice when you know you’re about to use it extensively.

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3. Stay Hydrated

One of the best preventive measures you can take to protect your voice is to stay hydrated. You can keep your vocal folds well-lubricated by frequently drinking cool water. If you feel your throat becoming irritated, you can drink warm water or tea with honey in it to soothe your throat and provide extra lubrication. You should also avoid beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol. Both of these compounds can cause dehydration, which can impact your voice. If you do consume beverages containing caffeine or alcohol when you need your voice, a good rule of thumb is to drink equal amounts of water to the amount of caffeine or alcohol you drink.

Learning how your individual voice works, being gentle with yourself and taking care of your overall health and the health of your throat can all help you protect your voice.

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