5 tips to stop the flu

We all know the terrible feelings of burning throat, headache, cut body and nasal congestion that indicate that something terrible will come: a strong flu. The period of colds has begun (and also of its massive contagion) and always seems to hit you when you are so busy that you can not even allow yourself to take a day off.
Although there is no cure for the common cold, that does not mean you give up. We are sharing five steps to stop the effects of the flu as soon as the first symptoms appear:
1. Stay hydrated
Hydration prevents the mucosa from becoming too thick and difficult to remove and is important for body function in general. A cold accompanied by fever can cause dehydration, reducing your body’s ability to battle the disease.
As soon as the first symptoms appear, avoid drinks with caffeine, as they generate dehydration, and replace them with electrolyte drinks . Electrolytes help regulate body hydration, nerve and muscle function and rebuild damaged tissues. They also help to retain liquids better. So, if you are sweating thanks to the fever, this is because you lose electrolytes through the skin, which must be replaced.
2. Keep the nostrils clear
Nasal congestion is the main affliction of the common cold. A saline solution can help you breathe better, breaking the mucus and keeping the nostrils clean. Also, the steam generated in a hot bath can also provide a similar benefit, allowing the nasal passages to be moist.
3. Gargle
Gargling with salt water to clarify a throat with discomfort may sound old, but it is partially correct. Gargling in general is a good thing, however it does not really matter what ingredients you make them with (water with salt, baking soda, Listerine, etc.). The important thing is to clean the bacteria that accumulate in the back of the throat.
4. Drink warm fluids
Drinking warm liquids not only feels comforting, but also increases blood flow and improves your natural defense system, so you can better fight respiratory diseases.
5. Rest
Avoid those activities that inhibit your body from battling viruses. If you exercise normally, you do not need to give up when you feel the first symptoms of flu, but it is advisable to reduce the intensity of the exercise. Although sore throat, nasal congestion and other symptoms above the neck do not affect exercise, if you experience discomfort under the neck as a respiratory failure, it is best to stop the exercise routine, to give your body the opportunity to recover.
Do you know any home remedies to support flu medications?