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How to Submit a Website to dmoz Learn in Easy Steps

Most of the search engines such as Google and AOL Search use website index data from DMOZ, also called The ODP i.e. Open Directory Project, to assist with indexing sites. It is most essential for website administrators or even a website’s No.1 fan to submit their website to be indexed into DMOZ Directory so that search engines can find additional information about the website. Submitting a website to be indexed into DMOZ directory can be difficult but with some assistance, it can be easy!

To submit Your Website to dmoz directory follow these simple steps and increase the visibility of your website in top search engines.

1. Click to read more about how to add a dmoz link in directroy. If you are unsure whether your site qualifies, the requirements here will help determine if the directory is a good fit for your website. If your site falls within the guidelines, you are ready to begin the submission process.

2. Another recommendation is to examine if your website is already listed. There is no point in sending in an application and waiting for a response if the website is already active in the directory. Run a quick search here.

Now Start Submitting Your Site

1. After you have completed the above two steps and are ready to move forward, start at the DMOZ homepage. Navigate to the most relevant category for your website. The number of categories is very large so don’t just pick a general option or the first category that looks good because these easy missteps could prevent you from being selected for the directory. Click here to view an example list of categories. If for some reason an editor doesn’t like the category you choose, the editor can move it to a more appropriate category during the review process.

2. After selecting the category page that best fits your website/business, click the “Suggest URL” icon located on the top right hand corner of the page.

3. Next, follow the directions carefully on this page to complete your submission to the Open Directory related to Your Website. When you reach this section, it is crucial that you complete the information about your domain to the greatest extent possible. The more information you can take the time to add, the better your chances are to get into this prestigious directory.

4. Review the site category to make sure you agree with it. If you have questions, you’re able to revert back a few pages and pick another category very easily.

5. Enter the website URL.

6. Enter the title of your website.

7. Enter a website description.

Here are some suggestions to improve your website description writing process:

  • When writing a business description, ensure the content explains more and promotes less. There is a large difference in writing styles between displaying your expertise versus an advertisement. DMOZ directory is not trying to sell ads to customers so be sure that your content reflects an informational perspective .
  • This important rule applies to all web directories that list your business: Make sure the business information is consistent and correct across all your directory listings, as mentioned above. Try to include your website targeted keywords when you can and be sure to provide a few links back to your site. However, be aware of over-stuffing the profile with keywords.

8. Enter the your email address.

9. Enter the text shown in the image to prove you manually filled in this application.

10. Click the “Submit” icon at the bottom of the application after reading the Submission Agreement. A submission confirmation page will appear.

11. Close up the page. Move onto your next marketing tactic!

Tips to Approve Submitting Your Website Easily

When your desired subject in the DMOZ directory you chose, suggested web sites and areas specified in the page name, address (URL) and enter your site description.

Note that the URL you are a suitable suffix, such as .Com is ended. Otherwise, their addresses that are a subset of a larger URL (such as amazon.com/books) will not be approved.

In addition, consider the following cases:

1) In the description of your website you should avoid to apply the advertising statements such as

“Best Website for ….” or “largest seller of …”.

2) On the selection of country and language branch should be chosen carefully. For example, if the contents of our website in English, English list must be logged in.

3) You should note that contact information of Website (phone number, mailing address, etc.) is complete, unmarked sites not approved.

4) Never attempt your website in a few branches Offer subject. This method is very high risk. Because Google might see you as a spammer (spam sender) assume and remove your address from the list of sites.

We hope you will follow these guidelines to submit your website to dmoz directory, if you need any help please feel free to contact us.

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