How to Wow the Crowd at a Comic Book Convention

Comic book conventions are extremely fun to attend and are usually full of people who are super into their comic books. It is a great place to connect with like-minded individuals over a common interest. If you are attending a convention, why not take the opportunity to participate in elaborate cosplay? After all, comic book culture is still pretty niche, so you probably won’t get the chance to dress up, and be recognized, any other time of the year. Here are a few tips to wow the crowds with a fantastic costume at an upcoming convention.
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Choose a Character You Love
Whether you are obsessed with one character in particular or there is an anime or manga you love overall, focus your attention on it. Choosing a cosplay and making it awesome will be that much easier if you are passionate about the subject. So long as you put some thought into the character, or idea, you don’t even need to be a ‘proper’ character. For example, Studio Ghibli-obsessed fans can indulge in their fandom by dressing up as a soot sprite.
Make Your Own Costume
Making your own cosplay outfit can be incredibly rewarding, especially when you receive a lot of positive feedback from convention goers. Once you have narrowed down what or who you want to dress up as, look into the materials you need and figure out how you are going to put it together. If you want to keep things simple, purchase clothing at stores and try to embellish them with identifiable components. For those who know their way around a sewing machine, pick up fabric and materials from your local craft store and get to work. Whether you are making an elaborate creation or keeping it simple, you will probably need some cosplay supplies to pull your outfit together. From cutting tools to fabric pens and paint, good quality supplies can make a huge difference.
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Go All Out With Cosplay Makeup
For some characters, makeup is key. Makeup inspired by anime characters includes application techniques that make eyes appear bigger and brighter. On the other hand, some characters have distinguishable features that you can replicate with makeup. Don’t be afraid to use special effects makeup to take your cosplay to the next level. Using pre-made appliances, you can develop a realistic, creative costume with added depth.
Bring Props
Don’t forget about the accessories and props. After all, where would Thor be without his hammer, or Sailor Moon without her Moon Stick? Props are an integral part of a cosplay outfit. You can either make them from scratch, along with your outfit, or simply purchase them from specialist stores or off the web.
Collaborate With Fellow Cosplayers
Nothing looks more epic than a well-thought out group effort. If you have a group of fellow comic book lovers who share a keen passion, then put your thinking caps on and get creative. It can be more difficult to get the desired effect when there is a large group of you, so just make sure you get the details right. As an example, if your group decides to dress up as characters from One Piece, make sure you get the key characters down to a tee. This includes the straw hat, colorful hair and a pirate flag.