Spring Car Maintenance Tips for Texans

Getting ready for a spring road trip? Don’t go just yet — here are some car maintenance tips that every Texan should know about for spring.
Have you ever put off repairing your car’s coolant or AC, then experienced a sudden heatwave that made you regret procrastinating?
Living in Texas, you know that springtime can be a fickle season. One day maybe warm and sunny, the next blisteringly hot, and the next you’re dodging hailstones the size of golf balls.
To make sure your vehicle is ready for whatever nature throws your way, be sure your car maintenance is up-to-date by spring. In this article, we’ll discuss some Spring car maintenance tips for Texans on how to get their car ready for spring.
Regular Maintenance
Regardless of the season, it’s a good idea to take your car in for maintenance once or twice a year to make sure that everything is in good shape. However, it’s a better idea to place one of these appointments during spring because there are several ways the weather can affect your car. Below are some things you should check:
Tire Pressure
As the temperature begins to rise, so does the air pressure in your tires — by 1 PPI (pound per square inch) per 10 degree gain in temperature, in fact. If you’ve put off checking your tire pressure, you should check it now to make sure winter didn’t pull any surprises.
You can sometimes get away with having low coolant in winter, as it’s usually cold enough for you to not need it. As the weather warms up, though, your car will likely overheat, which can seriously damage your car — so make sure your coolant is full and functional.
Air Conditioning
While having a broken AC system isn’t going to damage your car, it sure can get uncomfortable during a heat spell. Skip the unnecessary sweating by getting it checked now.
Spring in Texas
Of course, no discussion of spring car maintenance in Texas would be complete without mentioning hailstorms. Hailstorms are a common occurrence in Texas from March to August, and they can do a lot of damage to your car. It doesn’t take massive stones either — stones as small as 1 inch can result in the need for an extensive repair job. Here are some things you can do to deal with the hail.
Keep Your Car Protected
The number one way to avoid hail damage is to keep your car protected from the hail. If you have a garage, park your car inside. If not, try and park under an awning or covered parking spot.
If you can’t find any shelter for your car, there are some other things you can do to protect it. One is to invest in hail protection covers — these come in both full-car and partial-car versions and can help deflect hail away from your vehicle. Another is to use a tarp — this won’t protect your whole car, but it will at least give some extra protection to the windshield and windows.
Invest in Comprehensive Insurance
Now’s the time to get comprehensive insurance on your car if you don’t have it yet. Comprehensive insurance covers damage from weather-related events like hailstorms, floods, and falling tree branches — all things you may have to worry about in Texas.
Make sure you’re aware of what your deductibles are and that your insurance is up-to-date. That way, if you do experience hail damage, you can get your car repaired quickly and without any financial stress.
If you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having your car damaged by hail, there are a few things you should look for when seeking auto hail repair.
What To Look for When Seeking Auto Hail Repair
First, make sure the shop is qualified to do car hail damage repair. This usually means that they offer PDR, or paintless dent repair — a technique that can take out small dents caused by hail without damaging your car’s paint job or value.
You should also make sure your chosen technician is certified by your insurance company. This will help ensure that they use proper repair techniques and that your insurance will cover the cost of the repairs.
Finally, make sure the shop has a good reputation. You can check online reviews or ask friends and family for recommendations.
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By following these tips, you can make sure your car is ready to weather whatever spring throws its way. From hailstorms to increased tire pressure, a little bit of preparation now can save you a lot of time and money later on. Go ahead and get your car checked before enjoying the warm weather!