10 Smart Ways to Increase Organic Traffic

In terms of SEO, we are familiar with various kinds of terms. Whether it’s PageRank , Alexa Rank , backlinks , SERP. and so forth. And among it all there is one important point in SEO, namely Organic Traffic or Organic Traffic in the Indonesian language. Have you ever heard the term Organic Traffic? well, for those who have long been in the world of blogs, certainly never heard of this term is still relatively new and it will sound pretty “weird”. Well, not to worry, In this post we will discuss a little about what it is organic traffic, how to get it and how to improve it for the sake of popularity of the sites we manage. Notice below.
Understanding Organic Traffic
Organic traffic is All web traffic sent to your website through search engines like Google/Bing because they like the existing content on your blog.
Process of An Organic Traffic
The initial process is the organic traffic when you register your website well into google, bing, ask or to sites like dmoz.org directory. Once your site is listed, the search engine robots start indexing your blog from the homepage , internal links, meta tags etc. Then the search engine robots will store data penindeksannya results into the database. Which will be used as a database of information that will be shown to the information seekers.
For example like this, when you type the word “football”, Google will display a variety of relevant information about football. Google receives information from the results of the search engine indexing robots. More and more organic traffic a visitor to a blog, the greater the chance the blog climbed to the top of search results in search engines.
How to Get Organic Traffic
Actually, the way to get high organic traffic is not difficult. We are only required to make unique content and quality, comfortable design blog, link builder strong. If all of them are met, then the results will be organic traffic you get. But not that easy to get high organic traffic. Okay not to worry, because I will reveal some tips for building a high organic traffic to your blog / your favorite web.
Let’s look at some tips and tricks for getting high organic traffic below:
1. Write Articles Most New and Unique
Yup, google affection with blog writing unique and quality articles. That is a unique course you already know that different from the others. Whatever you want to write about anything. Whether it’s about the social, cultural, political, sports, technology and so forth. If the article that you create top markotop and nice, not just Google who like your site, but the visitors of your blog. They will linger on your blog and do not hesitate to share your article to his friend. Seek in writing articles using language that can be understood and relaxed disposition, or you can see a wide range of tips to write articles here.
2. Discipline and Consistent
It is indeed rather difficult to do bloggers. Many of the bloggers who initially passionate when he first entered the world of blogs, and lackluster in just a few weeks. Consistency article writing is in need, usahakannlah to update the blog with the most recent posts at least 2-3 posts a week or if you can, postinglah 1 piece articles every day. This will show to the visitors of your blog that you are serious and consistent in this blog world. Moreover, if the post you write is very useful, they would wait forever latest post your blog.
3. kind to Visitors
Be friendly to visitors can be shown by answering their questions, reply to their comments and testimonials, as well as re-visit their blog if they have any. If you are friendly to your visitors, they would repeatedly visit your blog every day, and they will become loyal readers of your blog.
4. Use Social Networking
Constraints faced by beginner bloggers is that they can not compete on keywords with blogs that have been popular. It is also the one that led to the visitor in a new blog tend to be quiet. But this can be overcome by using existing social networks. Well, I’m sure 7 out of 10 people have a social networking account. Please promote your blog on social networks such as facebook and twitter, it will be very effective in building organic traffic.
5. Choose the Right Keywords
As I said above, it is almost impossible to compete in a keyword to a blog that has been popular. Find the right keywords for your blog. You can use the tool keyword that is free from google Google Adword keyword finder tool . Look for keywords that are highly competitive low enough, but quite sought after. Put keywords are in the title of your post, the meta tag description of your blog, or meta tag keywords of your blog. Penaruhan these keywords usual in the call with keyword density or keyword density.
6. Use the Featured Article Title
Weiitss, make no mistake, the use of the title of the article also affect organic traffic loh! want proof? Current examples like this, if you’re looking for information on “photos” in google, then google displays several posts, and there are two post titled “Photo Artist Capital” with “Hot Photos Artist Capital” , which one would you choose? certainly more “curious” with the title of the latter is not it?. Nowadays there are many bloggers who apply this technique. Yet once opened, the contents of its news mediocre. Remember! If you want organic traffic rises, use these tips, but not to deceive visitors also well hehehe: p
7. Share Articles You
You want to read the posts but you yourself do not share it. Begin share your blog article that can be read by many people. And add social sharing widget under the posts so that visitors can come to share. But remember, too, when distributing articles do not spam yah!
8. Become a Guest Writer
In some of my articles, I have very often confirms this. Write a blog for others is not a bad thing, it can even be said to be the arena for proving themselves to you. If you have not been a guest writer, look for blogs that are looking for a guest writer on the blog with minimal blog you write an article that would have the same category with your blog. If you write good articles, visitors will come to your blog via a link placed at the bottom of the article. Precisely in the biography of the author.
9. Note Design Blog
Noting blog design is also important. Where there are people who want to visit a blog if the blog only contains ads that are not clear, neat, loading heavy and unattractive? certainly the person will immediately shut down the blog. Choose the design blog comfortable for visitors and for search engines. Design a blog that is not too heavy, simple, but it looks interesting. Use widgets to taste and do not be too lebay in installing widgets.
10. Giveaway
Gifts, whom people in this world who do not like the gift (unless the prize bomb: p)? it did not exist. You can hold a contest or monthly gift on your blog. It is intended to build visitor traffic of course. The more visitors you get, the higher the organic traffic in the get.
Those are some tips and tricks that I can give to build organic traffic. Try to work on all of them, or at least 7 of the tips above. And I am very sure, if you have applied the above, you visitor traffic will increase dramatically.
If you have any tips in addition to the tips above, please feel free to share it in the comment box.
May Allah Almighty Blessing upon you!