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Best SEO Hacks to Rank Your Website on Google

Is it possible to perform the mythical activity of website positioning yourself? After all, this is a difficult, complicated, and improperly performed an action that may have the opposite effect from the intended one, a website drop in the search results for specific keywords. At least that’s what specialists from the interactive agency you ask about this service will tell you. So is it worth finding out how to position a website yourself? Don’t listen to the agency. Since you have your own SEO company, you are such a resourceful person that you take up challenges and can face the positioning of the website. Follow our complete SEO hacks guide to rank your website.

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How to position the website and why on your own?

Is website positioning easy? Of course not! It is not easy and requires specialist knowledge. Therefore, if you want to learn how to position the website on your own, we invite you to read a kind of manual.

So why is it worth positioning the website yourself? Mainly because of the cost. By doing it on your own, you can save – depending on the type and size of the website – from several hundred to several thousand zlotys a month. In addition, it is worth remembering that after the termination of cooperation with an SEO agency, a large part of the links placed on the agency’s back pages disappear. If you get the links yourself, you can be sure that they will stay with you forever or until the website on which they were placed exists. They will surely be more durable than agencies. Even if you outsource this activity to an SEO agency, it’s still worth knowing how to position your website. You will then know what to ask and what to look for.

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Website positioning – first steps

You should start with preparing the ground, the foundations on which your website will be based. So, first of all, a website should be created. If you don’t have one yet, it’s best to put it on your content management system (CMS). Thanks to this, you will be able to add and complete the content on the website yourself.

When it comes to CMS, WordPress is currently the most popular (according to W3Techs research, almost 26% of websites on the Internet use WordPress). Why? Without going into unnecessary details – because simply the easiest and cheapest way is to work on a WordPress website. This CMS has a lot of plugins that allow you to customize the website to your needs and individual requirements, including effective website optimization.

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Target group, i.e. who is your customer?

It is worth remembering that when you set up a website, you do it for a specific purpose. A corporate website on the web should serve something. Of course, it is a showcase for your company. However, its task – apart from building your image – should also be to sell your services or products that you offer.

Therefore, at the very beginning of creating a website – or better even earlier – when setting up a company, you should define the target group of customers to which your offer will be directed. If you know who can become a client of the company, you will find an answer to the question of how the website should be made and what content it should contain.

Positioning the website and optimization

The starting point for the action referred to as Website positioning is website optimization. What is it about? The business you run is about a specific topic. When people search for services or products in the Google search engine, they enter specific phrases (so-called keywords) that describe a given activity. Your car broke down – you enter a car repair shop and the name of your city in Google, you are looking for a hairdresser, beautician, or plumber, you enter these phrases in the search window.


That is why it is important to saturate specific subpages of your website with the right keywords.

We choose the keywords first and foremost. Just think about what things are called and defined in your industry.

Second, it’s worth taking a look at the competition sites. Check which keywords your business rivals chose to describe their business, offer, products, or services. In addition, it is worth paying attention that one page of the website is not optimized for too many keywords at once – better let it be two to six keywords than fifty.

Third, check if the positioning for those keywords makes sense. And it makes sense if the selected keyword has a certain number of searches in the google search engine. The easiest way to check this is in the Google Adwords Keyword Planner. For some time to use such a service, it is necessary to have a Google account, for example, an e-mail address on the Gmail mailbox.

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Make sure that different pages of the website contain different keywords. In short, the idea is that several different pages are not optimized for the same keywords.

You should also make sure that a given keyword appears several times on a given page of the website. How many times? It is also worth approaching common sense. One-time use of a word is not enough, but a few times, both unchanged and in different variations – just right. It should be in the text as well as the headings of the subpage and its meta tags. It is worth keeping a certain balance here – too high saturation of the content of one subpage with one keyword may result in over-optimization of the subpage. Rather, it will not help us in positioning the website. SEO service in Pakistan is here to boost your website SEO.

Title and meta tags

When optimizing individual subpages of the website, remember to fill in the title of the article (usually the H1 heading), title, and description of the subpage in the right way. They should contain the selected word or keywords for which we want to optimize a specific page of the website.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, don’t worry, just try to learn more about how to position your website on your own. The most important information about the title can be found on the AlterWEB portal in the article Title tag in website optimization, and description in the text The meaning of description in website optimization.

Usually, photos appear on the website. It is worth remembering to describe each picture. There are special tags for this – we are talking about the alt and title of the image. Here, too, it is worth adding selected keywords to the descriptions. Such optimization can help our photos rank higher in the google image search engine. For more information on optimizing images, see Optimizing Images Using Alt and Title Attributes.

Website positioning and uniqueness

Extremely important is the uniqueness of the content on the website. It is important that the descriptions on your website are unique, i.e. formulated in a way that no one has ever done before.

Descriptions should not be duplicated within one website as well. Each subpage should describe something different, and if the topic repeats itself, it is worth doing it in different words.

The title and meta tags described above should also be unique, both in relation to meta tags from other subpages and in relation to each other within one subpage. A common mistake is to duplicate the title of the article appearing on the page (the title of the subpage visible to the user) with the title tag of the subpage (it is not visible on the subpage, only in the search results). It happens by rewriting the title of the subpage to the description of the photo (alt tag). Let’s try to make everything that is possible on the website unique.

The uniqueness of any text can be checked in two ways. We can enter it in the Google search window (it will fit a few sentences rather than the entire article) or search for the phrase “plagiarism checker” in Google – a list of tools for checking the uniqueness of entire articles will appear.

Content marketing on the website

Content marketing has been a very fashionable concept recently. In our case, one of the answers to the title question – how to position the website yourself – is creating valuable content for substantive reasons and adding it to the website.

Why do this? For several reasons. For your customers – your website audience – this content should be interesting in some way. It is best if what you post is information that can somehow help your customers and solve their problems. If you manage to compose the added text so that the products you offer are the key to solving the difficulties faced by customers, then it’s a revelation. It is worth creating and publishing such content because there is a good chance that it will translate into increased sales.

Besides, the more good texts on your site, the better. By adding more articles to your website, you increase the number of subpages (this is well seen by google) and create a so-called long tail. Explaining what a long tail is here would take too long, but pay attention to the fact that each new text is more or less popular keywords, but related to your industry and the topic of your website.

And the more such words, the greater the chance that one of the subpages will be high in Google search results, even for less popular and less frequently searched phrases. The more such subpages, the greater the chance of getting traffic to the website in this way.

Types and forms of content marketing

Content is associated with the content, and in the most common sense, content is simply written text. However, it can also take other forms.

When creating content, you can do it in several different ways. Create a blog and keep adding new texts there. Add news about your company’s activities, write case studies on projects implemented by your company. In addition to the content, each such article may contain photos of the events described.

A given topic can also be presented in the form of an interesting infographic. If possible, create e-books or audiobooks and make them available on your website. In recent years, webinars targeted at potential customers of the company have also become popular. A film is also a form of content.

As you can see, there are many possibilities and methods for positioning a website with new content on the website. If you think about who your customers are and what you can offer them, you will surely find the right topics.

Optimization is done – what next?

You have a great website that you’ve optimized for keywords that perfectly describe the products or services your business is selling. You have laid the foundation and the foundation for further action. Optimization is the first part of the answer to the question: how to position the website. You are prepared to constantly add new content in a variety of attractive forms for customers. The question is, what’s next? Have you worked hard – is that all?

Unfortunately not. Even the best-optimized website will not come out in the top Google search results by itself. You also need links from external sites to your website. Without guidance on how to link your website, your knowledge of how to position your website will be incomplete.

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