
Tips to make your voice more effective

If you are in the process of launching a company, you have probably spent time refining your handshake, your elevator pitch, and even the way you dress. But there is one aspect of your image that you might be ignoring: the effectiveness of your voice.

Your articulation plays an important role in the way others perceive you. Your sincerity, credibility, and trust are revealed in your speeches. That is why we share some tips to use your voice more effectively the next time you present your business to investors and clients or give a presentation:

1. Decrease your speed. When there is a pressure we tend to talk faster. And when you talk too fast, you are likely to stumble on your own words, you contradict yourself and look nervous. Speak slowly, so that others can understand you perfectly.

2. Change your posture. Even when you are presenting in front of an audience made up of two people, it is essential that you keep your forehead up. Stand up straight and try to excel when you appear before larger groups. Project your voice and allow your body language to express your confidence (even if you don’t feel it).

3. Adjust your volume according to the size of your audience. When I was growing up, my mother continually told me to speak loudly and clearly. I didn’t realize how important this was until I started giving presentations in public. Always speak loud enough so that even the one in the back of the room can hear you. This is essential, even if you have a microphone.

4. Accept your accent. My aspirations to become a driver collapsed when one of my university professors told me that I had to lose my southern accent if I wanted to work on television. I naively believed him. Over time I have learned to accept my accent; It is a positive aspect of who I am as a person. However, if you think your voice could affect you or others have a hard time understanding you, do not hesitate to invest in an oral expression coach and take some classes.

5. Adjust your tone. The tone describes the high and low notes you make when you speak. Your general tone should be pleasant to hear. Very high voices are perceived as squeaky, while the most serious convey authority. When you ask a question, finish it with a sharper tone; When you make a statement, add a more serious tone. If you finish your statements with a sharp tone you will look nervous, insecure and unreliable.

6. Soften your rhythm. The general rhythm of your language must be stable and confident. Increase the speed of your speech to demonstrate action and emotion. Decrease it to emphasize a word or phrase.

7. Pause when appropriate. Pause briefly before and after making an important observation or when transitioning between ideas. By doing this you create suspense and allow others to process your comments and appreciate what you are saying.

8. Regulate the emotion of your voice. The bell describes your vocal attitude. Your emotion should fit what you are saying and what you want your audience to feel.

As you refine your ability to effectively use your voice, you can apply it to all areas of your business and social life. It is a new skill that could take time to master, but that will finally be worth the effort.

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