AndroidTips and Tricks

9 Tips to Fix the Problem of Slow Android Phones

When you use Android phones or smartphones, you may sometimes notice phone slowness unexpectedly, which is detrimental to your experience. Of course there are a lot of reasons why slow phone work even in high or medium phones specifications. So here are 9 tips to Fix the Problem of Slow Android Phones.

Fix the Problem of Slow Android Phones

Close Applications

Although recent versions of the Android system work well to manage system resources when they threaten tasks and run more than one application, some devices may experience obvious slowdowns when applications are left open for long periods of time.

So shut down apps you’re not using at the moment, just run the apps you need to reduce your RAM consumption.

Restart the device

When you contact your ISP to notify them of a problem with your connection, the direct response is “Restart the router” which is no doubt a matter that everyone does before they make the call. But if you think restarting your smartphone is as useless as the router, consider it.

Rebooting your phone will update your memory, reload your operating system and fix some problems especially that cause you sudden slowness.

Check Internet speed

In fact, we do most of the tasks on a smartphone or tablet based on the Internet, such as surfing the web and social networks and use applications for instant communication and watching videos and others.

So slow internet connection negatively affects the smartphone experience and slows applications.

So make sure that your Internet connection is working normally by relying on specialized Internet speed testing applications such as Speedtest or Fast .

Disable widgets

If you took the previous steps and still have a problem you have to make sure that you do not download many of the widget applications, these applications, although useful, but some of them cause the slowness of Android phones, especially medium – sized phones.

So if you have multiple applications and widgets, try to minimize them by uninstalling them and just using the necessary widgets.

Check the update for the latest version

Without a doubt, running an older version of the Android operating system will negatively impact your phone in terms of performance, so be sure to update your operating system to the latest available version to help you better manage your phone resources.

Do not forget to update apps to the latest version and not rely on very legacy versions of applications.

Disable Bloatware applications

Pre-installed applications known as Bloatware that the phone manufacturer pre-downloaded with the operating system are considered to be factors that consume device resources.

Although some of these applications may actually benefit the user, but sometimes in particular, Samsung phones affect the experience of use.

Unfortunately, it may not be possible to uninstall these applications on all phones without the need for a routine, but you can at least disable these applications and turn them off from memory depletion.

Disable live backgrounds

Many applications are available on the Google Play store, which offers live apps, but the problem with these applications is that it drains the battery as well as the memory and may cause the phone to slow sometimes.

So if you rely on live backgrounds and notice problems or slow performance, try to do away with these backgrounds with a solid background instead.

Delete the cache

The cache cache can actually cause slow Android phones because some temporary or damaged files are no longer used by certain problems.

So it’s good to delete the cache, which is a step that can help improve performance, and you can do so through the options in your app settings.

Restore settings

All the above steps have not solved the problem, so you have to move to a more advanced step and reset the factory, which will return the phone to the basic state it was when you first bought it, so any problems you have encountered while using the phone may completely fade after Finish this step.

Finally, if you set up your factory and still feel that the phone is rather slow, it means that you’re relying on an old phone, and maybe it’s time to upgrade to a slightly newer phone that can handle newer applications better.

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